Miami Dating Coach Opens Foreign Girls With Ease

Miami Dating Coach cracks the code to opening foreign girls and abolishes Approach Anxiety with ease!

While in South Beach Miami I have been able to observe some easy to apply openers that will get most foreign girls to take a moment and talk with you. I stumbled across this with one with my last student who was foreign also. I noticed that even though his accent was difficult to understand in English he was able to easily communicate and make girls smile around him with just a couple of words. When I saw him use it over and over, I was convinced that I needed to brush up on my skills and adjust my approach. Seeing how easily they represented their country, and admired their favorite person was energetic. It was like a light bulb turned on in their head and a glow came across their face. I personally felt a little intimidated by this; I was going to do small talk and attempt to communicate with someone I could hardly understand and probably fail miserably. My buddy helped me stumble across a language that was universal, one that if you are outside the USA women from all over understands and respond to. A universal language that USA guys and girls have not yet mastered but aspiring PUA’s should take note of. That language is what the world calls Futball, or in the USA, Soccer.

Miami is full of foreign girls from all over the world. Different dialects, appearances and cultures are spread throughout South Beach. For years I have tried to learn some Spanish, study how to seduce through body language flirt without talking and learn all I could about foreign girls and how to seduce them. Most of what I read and learned was good after making the hook point. The problem was getting them to a point of hooking them without having a common interest. The secret is a common interest. Football is running rampant across the world and women are a huge percentage of this movement. Foreign girls know the names, and watch this sport with vigor. When you open up, the simple name is enough to make most women swoon and smile. The next time you are out and meet a woman from another nation, throw out the name Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi or whoever is most popular at the time. Then watch their body language open up and you will have your window of opportunity.

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